If you run a business here in Australia and you are planning to redesign your office space, you have come to the right place, as we offer a few tips on how to plan a productive office design.
- Quality office furniture – Take office chair as an example, you should invest in ergonomic chairs that allow people to sit for hours without suffering from aches and pains. The online supplier has the best brands at the lowest prices and investing in ergonomic chairs will improve productivity.
- Open plan layout – An open plan office promotes dialogue; use a combination of full and half partitions to create workstations and with interchangeable panels, you can easily change things around. Top companies have long been using the open plan concept for many years, as it goes well with the 21st century business model of openness and transparency.
- Collaborative spaces – If you have a quiet place with a large table and chairs, staff can discuss things in a warm and inviting atmosphere; add a whiteboard, a fridge and a coffee machine for people who wish to relax in a nice setting.
- Natural lighting – The more natural lighting in an office, the better; unlike artificial lighting, natural illumination makes people feel like they have more energy, so do make the best of the natural light coming in through the windows.
- Positive quotes – Choose a few motivational quotes and place them in frames and hang them around the office. When people are feeling down, a reminder that they have achieved much will lift their spirits.
- Good ventilation – Effective climate control and good ventilation are essential if you want your employees to feel comfortable at work. If there is not a natural airflow, you could install a couple of extractor fans at each end of the office, one extracting and one sucking in air from the exterior.
- Adjustable desks – You could order a few sit-stand desks for those who like to work on the fly; this will definitely boost productivity as key workers can set up their station whenever they need to without bothering others. Check out the stock of Australia’s leading office equipment supplier and you can save money and enjoy free delivery.
- Noise installation – If there is a level of exterior noise, do what you can to minimise that; double glazing is a great way to keep out the noise of traffic, plus it is a good thermal insulator. Vertical blinds can also dull sound; most offices use vertical blinds for screening for this very reason.
If you want a professional’s input, talk to a leading fitout contractor, an expert who can transform your office, they have an in-house office designer and for a reasonable cost, they can design and create your new office.
We hope that this short article helps you to design an office that your employees enjoy; happy workers are productive workers!